Thursday, January 5, 2012

A motivational letter to myself

Dear Self,
For the past three days you have eaten well, tracked your meals, and spent much quality time at the gym. Your fridge is stocked with healthy foods. Your gym bag is packed each night before you go to bed. You have all kinds of fun apps on your high-tech phone that make it super easy to research and record the nutritional information of every morsel that goes into your mouth. THIS IS REALLY EASY. All of things things are easy to do. Buy oranges! Eat them! Pack gym clothes! Use them! Write down what you eat! When you leave work, drive straight to the gym! It's closer than going home anyway.

In a few weeks, you will probably start to slack off. That's your style, after all. Packing that bag of workout clothes will become more difficult to remember. The fridge will get empty. The weather will get cold, which makes working out even harder and drinking hot chocolate even more tempting. You will have "good hair" days when you don't want to make a ponytail. You will go through spells of hating your workout clothes. You will get tired of all the songs on your iPod. Then the weather will get warmer, and your allergies will become your main excuse for not exercising outside. What a load of crap, Self. Claritin was invented for a reason, and you live next door to a Walgreens. No excuses. Then school will be out, and you will want to spend every afternoon eating cheeseburgers outside at Young Avenue Deli and taking trips to Jerry's Sno Cones. STOP IT. Stop eating junk. Use that popsicle maker you got for Christmas to make something healthier. Healthy food can be eaten outside too!

This letter is just to remind you that in January 2012 you were doing all the right things... and most importantly, as a result of all this healthy living YOU FEEL GREAT! You are sore as crap from lifting weights, but still, you feel really good! You have energy! You're not getting headaches in the afternoon! You're not relying on Coke Zero to get you through the day! Your hair looks sort of cute in a ponytail! You're one step closer to wearing your old White House Black Market jeans! Your Reeboks are totally adorable! (Okay, that last one is a lie.)
So get off the couch, put those snazzy Reeboks on, and GET OUTSIDE!