Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I get by with a little help from my friends (and some people I don't know)

I have jokingly started labeling people as being on my “inspirational people” list. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that each of the people on my list does actually inspire me in some way. Some of them are people I know, some aren’t… some have inspired me in life-changing ways, others awe more than inspire. So here it is: my List of Inspirational People.

1. Shaun White. I wish I knew him. I think he’s super cool. That crazy hair, those skinny pants… that laid-back attitude… But seriously, I think he is quite inspirational. In my next life, I want to be a snowboarder. Sure, I’ve only been skiing once, and the thought of trying to move while my feet are strapped to a board is terrifying, but maybe in my next life I’ll be more coordinated. Anyway, I am beyond impressed by Shaun’s snowboarding skills. He is the best in his sport. The best. And not only can he do it all, he is the athlete who sets the bar for all the other snowboarders. I just love the way Shaun masters the sport and then has to actually invent a new move in order to challenge himself. And then all the other snowboarders just hope in vain that they can do Shaun’s signature move better than Shaun himself. Wouldn’t it be great to be such an innovator?! I want to be the person in my field who sets the bar for everyone else. I want to be as skilled and as much of a leader in teaching as Shaun is in snowboarding. Better start growing out my hair…

2. Amy Stroup. She’s a Christian recording artist… and let me just admit here that I don’t listen to much Christian music. Amy should be on my list because of her faith and her songwriting… but mostly it’s because she’s just a really cool person. She spent the weekend with us on a church retreat three years ago, and she’s… normal. Easy to hang out with. She is inspirational to me because she plays the guitar, and my dream is to learn to play the guitar. No, it’s not just my dream. It’s my goal. I will do it.

3. Josh Pastner. Coach of the Memphis Tigers. No, I do not know him, but I wish I did. I am always impressed when young people do amazing things, and Josh is just so incredibly young for a NCAA coach. I so admire his coaching style. He doesn’t use profanity; he doesn’t lose his temper. He got his first technical foul—in his whole coaching career—just last month. (Granted, his coaching career is quite short.) I fear that talking too much about JP will show my lack of basketball knowledge, but basically I admire the way he coaches. He cares about his players. He encourages them to work as a team. He doesn’t tolerate bad attitudes. He is not one of those coaches who believes in winning at any cost. To him, there are more important things than winning. And I think that because of that attitude, he will build a winning team. Josh is an inspiration to me because of his admirable leadership style, his clean lifestyle, and his honest, non-sleazy coaching ways.

4. My friend Rachael. I wish that she had been my inspiration when I was in college. I think she would have kept me out of a lot of trouble. Rachael is a senior in college. As an aside, I think I was super awkward in college. My spiritual life took a backseat to my college life, and as a result it wasn’t until my senior year that I really became serious about growing my faith. Rachael seems like she’s got her act together, at least more so than I did. She is confident, she’s strong in her faith, and she’s much more grown up than I was when I was 22. Rachel is inspirational to me because she’s the person I wish I had been when I was in college.

5. My friend Jason. I promised I wouldn’t use his name, but that would look weird if I had one anonymous person on here. Sorry, Jason. I jokingly added Jason to my list a few weeks ago, when he had enough faith in me to, um, allow me to drive a fifteen-passenger church van full of teenagers downtown. He helped me overcome my fear of driving the van (and my lack of knowledge about the parking brake). But all joking aside, Jason really has earned his spot on this illustrious list. I have talked before about how I can see God putting people in my life for various reasons. Jason became a part of my life when he came to our church almost a year ago. This is a post for another day, but I was not in a good place last year. I’m sure I looked like I had my act together, but spiritually I was suffering. I was in a rut; I wasn’t praying, I wasn’t learning, and I wasn’t desiring God’s presence in my life. I think this blog is proof that I have changed from that person I was last year, and Jason’s presence has played a role in my transformation. Technically, Jason is at our church to be with the youth (not even technically… that’s his job)… but he helps me too. When he talks about God, I listen. I have learned so much from him, and I know that God has used Jason to bring me back to Him, and to make me want to learn more. Jason is incredibly patient, which is a quality I don’t possess and one that I always admire in others. He listens when spoken to, he thinks about his responses, and he always says exactly the right thing. My goal in life is to be peaceful; Jason is much, much better at it than I am. Jason’s faith, his calm demeanor, his quiet but effective leadership, and his way with words are inspiring to me. And now, on the off chance that he reads this, I’m sorry, Jason, if I have embarrassed you. Oh—his love for the Memphis Tigers is an inspiration as well.

6. Shane Claiborne. I am slowly plowing through his book The Irresistible Revolution and it is an incredible read. He has changed the way I think about many things. I keep taking long breaks between chapters so I can process what I've just read. Shane's words weigh heavily on my heart. To go into detail would take so much time… just read the book. You'll see what I mean. All the proceeds from the book go to charity (see? He’s awesome) so you can feel extra-good about buying it. Shane has a heart for the poor. Shane has been to Calcutta, has met Mother Teresa, and has lived in a leper colony. He has lived on the streets with the homeless. He has visited and worshiped with families in Iraq. He loves Jesus, and that is what drives everything he does. Shane is inspirational because he truly desires to live like Christ.

I should note that this list is really just a small picture of the people in my life (and, um, celebrities and others) who inspire me. I have so many friends who have played a role in my faith journey and in helping me become who I am today. These six are the first to be on my list; I’m sure many more will follow. Praise God for you all; I know that it is part of His plan for us to be in each other’s lives, and I am so blessed because of it.

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