Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Facebook Fridays

I've been feeling disconnected lately. I think that's partially because it's summer; I don't work in the summer, so that makes for two long months that I don't get to be part of my wonderful work community. I feel guilty saying this, but there are many days during summer vacation when I literally have nothing I need to do. I could spend an entire week inside my apartment trying to work my way through my stack of books or the list of recorded shows on my DVR. Some days--okay, many days--my only communication with friends is through texting and social media. As much as I hate to see the summer end, part of me is dying to get back to my regular routine, where I actually have contact with other humans. I am craving community.

While at SOS, I accepted a challenge to fast from Facebook six days a week. I'm calling it "Facebook Fridays." I guess it seems a little backward to remove myself from social media when I am craving community, but maybe that's a testament to the kind of empty, non-fulfilling community that social media provides. I could spend hours reading status updates and watching videos (and in the summer, I have the time to do that), but does the posting and reading of status updates really help us feel connected to one another? Maybe it's time to embrace some good, old-fashioned forms of communication, like phone calls and letter writing and pot-luck dinners. That's the kind of connection that I've been wanting. Conversations that won't fit into 140 characters, ha!

It hasn't been hard to abstain from Facebooking. And I don't spend hours and hours on Friday trying to get caught up with what I missed over the past week (I mean really, have I missed that much?) The next step is to figure out the most productive way to spend all the time I'm saving Saturday through Thursday. Well, actually, I've already figured out what I want to do. I want to get back in the habit of daily Bible study and journaling. I started journaling and reading daily devotionals during Lent, but I am ashamed to admit that I didn't continue with that discipline after Easter. I'm hoping that by blogging about my intentions, I'll actually be held accountable to following through with them.

And of course, I would love for you to join me in fasting from Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I could do that 6 days a week. That's so much to catch up on in one day! :) Saw you in Jason's Student Ministries slide show doing SOS work. Good job, Jennifer!
