Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Peace, love, and hoarding.

I was really encouraged yesterday when I heard this story on the news: http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/08/30/fresno-school-superintendent-takes-800000-salary-cut/

Basically, a superintendent in California retired for a day so he could take a pay cut, a move that will save his school district about $800,000 over the next few years. He plans to use that money to help stop midyear budget cuts. The article said he didn't do this as a way to receive public accolades, but it also said this is a way to "ensure his legacy past retirement." Slightly contradictory, but since the man is an ordained minister I'm choosing to believe he is making a sacrifice for the glory of God and the betterment of his community. He was quoted as saying, "when you make good choices, good things happen to you," but I am also choosing to believe that what he meant to say was, "when you make good choices, you are one step closer to creating heaven on earth."

I looked up this article so I could share it here, and I had to laugh to myself when I saw this quote: "How much do we need to keep accumulating? There's no reason for me to keep stockpiling money." I said pretty much the same thing when I was discussing this story earlier today. I specifically remember using the word "stockpiling," because the person to whom I was speaking replied, "there's nothing wrong with stockpiling." Yes, there is. And if you don't believe me, just watch Hoarding: Buried Alive, or Hoarders, or Animal Hoarders, or that show about people who dumpster-dive for coupons.

I am totally writing this from Hypocrite Corner, by the way. I know that I have way too much stuff. I have run out of room in my closet for shoes, for example, which I discovered tonight. I have boxes of clothes under my bed because they won't fit anywhere else. At least I can say that I'm not plagued with the problem of having too much money! I've heard that the more money a person has, the less likely he is to give his money away to those who need it. I've heard that there are enough resources in the world that no one has to go hungry, but we just can't seem to figure out a way to spread the wealth. In an effort to help create heaven here on earth (and just in case I end up living somewhere with smaller closets), I want to learn how to live with less.

As I was on my "spread the wealth" soap box this afternoon, praising Larry Powell for his willingness to live with less in order to serve his school system, and just generally lamenting the fact that we all have too much and we aren't willing to share it, my colleague looked at me and said flatly, "I thought you were a Republican." That kind of made me laugh. I don't ever discuss politics--mainly because I never know what to discuss--and in my mind this isn't an issue of Republican versus Democrat (or whatever she thinks I am!) It's an issue of serving God versus serving ourselves. I'm not sure what about me makes people think I'm a Republican, but I don't want to be identified by any political party. I'm just a child of God, trying to serve myself less and serve Him more, and that's really all that matters.

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