Monday, January 24, 2011

What are friends for?

I have started a couple of posts in the last few days, but I can't seem to focus and figure out where I am headed with them. I'm waiting for the Lord to provide some answers to some half-finished thoughts, I suppose.
I have a confession: I don't spend much time reading my Bible. I wish I had the desire to just sit and turn the pages and let the words pour over me... But I don't. I like to multi-task; I can read a magazine, watch Food Network, and browse Facebook all at the same time. I can cook dinner, put my laundry away, and work on my un-solvable thousand-piece puzzle at the same time. I can sit in a faculty meeting, doodle in my notebook, and text my mom at the same time (not that I ever text during meetings... that was hypothetical, of course...) But reading the Bible... well, that doesn't really lend itself to my frazzled multitasking ways.
My point here was not to talk about what a bad Bible-reader I am; I just wanted to say that I surprised myself the other night by actually sitting down with my study NIV and reading. Something drew me to the passage in Matthew that details Jesus' temptation. I read the account in all four gospels... and I'm still not quite sure what I'm supposed to take away from it, other than Jesus is a pretty cool guy with a lot more willpower than me. Both Jesus and the devil quote Old Testament passages here (the devil kind of takes his out of context, but that's to be expected I guess). I'm still wrestling with this one. But one thing that sticks out is Jesus' response when the devil tempts him with all the kingdoms in the world. Jesus answers simply, "It is written, 'Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.'"
How easy it is to forget who we are serving! And sometimes, it's just as easy to forget who we should be praising. I say all the time that I am incredibly blessed by the people in my life. I give thanks daily for my supportive family, my inspirational friends (some of whom seem like family), and my coworkers who have become close friends over the years we've worked together. Truly, what a blessing to go to work and get to spend the day with friends! Every day! How many people can say that?! My friends do amazing things for me. They listen to me when I whine; they rejoice with me when I am happy. They offer perspective when I am too stubborn to deal with situations in an unselfish way. They help me through spiritual struggles. I would not be where I am today in my faith if it weren't for my friends. And in return, I rejoice in serving them, listening to them, being there for them.
But... I've been noticing lately that I have a tendency to misdirect my praise when a friend does something to serve me. I have a bad habit of giving the glory to these people instead of giving it to God. Make no mistake, I think I have some pretty amazing people in my life. I love discovering all of the reasons that God has sent someone to me, as well as discovering how I am to serve others. But when it comes down to it, we are called to serve each other in His name. I don't think I'm alone in forgetting this. I love finding ways to help and love and serve my friends and family; but I have to remember that ultimately it is God's will that I serve others, and it is to Him that I should give the glory when someone serves me. When a friend helps me through a rough patch or does something for me, it is easy to praise her for what she did. But really, I should be praising God for sending her to me so that we can serve each other. I don't believe that everything happens for a reason; however, I do believe that God has a plan and many of the people in my life are there intentionally to help Him fulfill his plans for me. Likewise, it is such a joy to think that I am serving others the way God intended for me to do.
Much rambling for a Monday... But my point is that sometimes the still, small voice of God is coming to us through others, and no matter how appreciative we are of those people, He is the one who deserves the praise!

1 comment:

  1. Rambling Monday's are the norm for me, Jennifer, but I read your message loud and clear~ Friends are God-given..they are a gift, indeed!
